Feeling Eggs-tremely Thankful…

Are you ready for Thanksgiving and another holiday shopping season? The Noah’s Pride Eggs sure are!
It’s Reggie here again to tell you all about why my egg family loves Turkey Day and all the egg-cellent fun of late fall! That’s right – we’re feeling eggs-tremely thankful and want to share the bounty with you!
Getting ready to feast!

The very best part of the Thanksgiving season for our family is preparing our big feast!
We host dozens of our eggs-tended family members for the meal down on the farm, so preper-egg-tions begin many weeks ahead of time.
All of us Egg-lets help Mama and Papa with shopping, cleaning the house, and making food before the guests arrive.
We like to make sure the fridge is stocked with Kreider Farms milk to bake and cook with, and we also make sure we have as much Kreider Farms ice cream as the freezer can fit! Forget about plain old pumpkin pie with ice cream on the side – Kreider’s Pumpkin Pie ice cream is so much better!
Of course, we also make the traditional favorites like cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, and the key to a perfect Thanksgiving feast – the tur-KEY! We enjoy lots of fresh veggies and appetizers before the meal, too…but NEVER deviled eggs!!!
Sharing our blessings
Our family knows that we are egg-specially lucky in so many ways, and we also take time out of our Thanksgiving Day each year to serve food at a community meal. Where we live in Lancaster County, people enjoy helping others, and local churches and community centers serve free meals with the help of happy volunteers.
Serving others is an eggs-tra special way to show our thankfulness!
Shopping ‘til we drop!

In our huge family, there are dozens and dozens of holiday gifts to buy, and getting great deals is a must! So, after all of the Thanksgiving feasting and sharing is done, we like to eggs-plore the Black Friday sales!
Well, not all of the Egg Family enjoys shopping ‘til they drop, and the ones who would rather not hit the outlets and the mall stay home and play some serious backyard football…or just hang around eating leftovers!
What are you thankful for?
Our Noah’s Pride Egg Family is so thankful for our Facebook and Instagram followers! You make us smile every day with your likes and shares. And we’d love to hear what you love most about Thanksgiving, too!
Tag us and tell us all about your family’s Thanksgiving traditions and everything you’re eggs-tremely thankful for!
At Noah’s Pride, we care about our hens and we care about your food! Pick up our eggs-tra special eggs on your next shopping trip… and save with this special offer!